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Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Clean Water


In India, clean water is often hard to find. The Mumbai newspaper has reported daily leaks in the water lines and a few major breaks. The one a few days ago, will leave Mumbai with 35% less water for a week or so until they can drain and repair the pipe. We ran out of water last week at the home, and the children had to go to the village to get some. Many village people go to the river each day to wash, and each morning they carry pots of water on their heads from the communal water taps around town. In the city of Pen, there are open ditches along the roads, which I don't think carry sewage any more but they do smell of garbage.

It really makes me thankful for our relativley clean water in Canada and even more interested in finding ways to keep water clean and accessable to all.

Stay well



sandi keogan said...

Hi Beth,

Great photos. I know all about the clean water problems - the same issues in the townships in South Africa when we were there. It is such an education going to a country like that eh - even though you're doing so much for the people there, I bet you feel you're getting even more out of the experience.

travel safely.........Love Sandi

Elizabeth said...

World Water Day is March 22nd. Looking at the situation where you are certainly makes us more aware of how lucky we are!! Take care!! Enjoy your time travelling with Kerry.

Love Elizabeth

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